BBE Life Lesson: Fitness


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Mat Chat Week 1

Fitness – Week One: Importance of Exercise

The definition of exercise is body exertion for the sake of developing good health.

The overall health of students your age in the United States is declining. Currently 25% of 6-19 year old children & teens are overweight (3x the 1980 statistics) primarily because they do not get enough exercise. The average U.S. child gets less than 15 minutes of vigorous exercise a day. On average, children spend 17hrs/week watching TV that is not counting the time they spend on video/computer games. This inactivity is linked to 17 chronic diseases. 40% of children 5 to 8 years old show at least one sign of heart disease risk. Inactive children, when compared with active children, weigh more and have higher blood pressure.

Studies have indicated a direct correlation between hours of TV watched and a child’s body fat. Today’s children have a serious case of what is being diagnosed as chronic couch potatoeidus. This dreaded disease is turning our children into round mounds of starch eating monsters. But by combining proper exercise with a healthy diet is the key to a healthy lifestyle and fighting off couch potatoeidus.

It is not as important which activity you use for exercise. It is that you get enough of the proper types exercise.

There are two types of exercise.

Aerobic exercise burns fat. Aerobic exercise involves increased breathing and elevated heart rate over an extended period of time. After about 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, the body needs to use its stored fat reserves as fuel. Great activities that will give proper aerobic exercise are bicycling, ice skating, jogging, rollerblading, soccer, swimming, and you guessed it, martial arts.

Anaerobic exercise involves short bursts of exertion followed by periods of rest. Bodies develop stronger muscles as the result of anaerobic exercise. Although anaerobic exercise does not burn fat, its muscle-building results complement aerobic exercise (and bigger muscles burn more calories. Examples of anaerobic exercise include push-ups, stomach crunches, pull-ups, lifting weights, and you guessed it again, martial arts.

By understanding that exercise burns stored fat and by knowing to how to exercise safely, you can instill fun and healthy habits that will last a lifetime. And if you embrace a healthier lifestyle yourself, you will be a positive role model for everyone around you.

Mat Chat Week 2

Fitness – Week Two: How Exercise Burns Fat

The kind of exercise that reduces fat is called aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercises include walking, running, swimming, bicycling, rollerblading, and of course, karate. During aerobic exercise, the heart beats faster and breathing is heavier. The increased oxygen you breathe in combines with stored fat and literally burns the fat away. Regular aerobic exercise (20 to 30 minutes of exercise three or more times a week) also raises the body’s metabolism; the body burns more calories all the time – even at rest!

To improve health and burn fat, people should exercise 20 to 30 minutes, three to five times a week. So those of you that attend your martial arts class three times per week are doing great. Just make sure that if you can only make it twice per week, then try to get in another day of exercise from practicing your martial arts at home or using another activity. Remember, to burn fat we need aerobic exercise – this means faster heart rate, increased breathing, and muscles working. So when you come to your martial arts classes, move fast and train hard. Not only will you become healthier, but you will be a better martial artist.

Mat Chat Week 3

Fitness – Week Three: Exercising Safely

Aerobic exercise is steady, moderate exercise, not all-out effort. Don’t try to over do it. A good rule is the talk/sing rule: if you are breathing too heavily to sing, but can still talk, the intensity is just about right. Consult a healthcare professional before beginning any exercise program. To prevent injury, you should always exercise safely. Stretching, both before and after exercising, increases flexibility and helps prevent injuries from muscle strain. Proper equipment also safeguards against injury – make sure you always wear the appropriate safety equipment for the activity. Exercise should stop immediately if you or your child experiences any of the following symptoms: pain, feeling dizzy or faint, nausea, or severe fatigue.

Remember, the key to a healthy life is moderation, or not too much of anything. Not too much sweets, not too much fat, not too much TV or video games. Add to that the concept of moderate exercise through the practice of your martial arts three times per week, and you have a formula to keep you healthy for life.